When I say to a parent, “read to a child” I don’t want it to sound like medicine. I want it to sound like chocolate.
— Mem Fox

How can I help my child love to read?

Amanda Insco, Homeschool Mom avid Book Worm

Children have a hard time getting in the “zone” of reading. You worry about their screen time and their use of technology. As a parent who loves their child it is common to worry if they are reading enough. But wouldn’t be nice to help your child learn to love to read so that it did not feel like another chore on the list for you both? I have compiled a list of some helpful tips to encourage your children to love to read rather than to just read. There is a freebie below as well to help!

Fostering a love for reading in children is a magical gift that pays in abundance for a lifetime. Here are 10 tips to help your child become a book worm:

  1. Lead by Example: Children are great imitators. Let them see you reading often, whether it's books, magazines, or newspapers. Your enthusiasm for reading is contagious, and it sends a powerful message about its value.

  2. Create a Reading Nook: Designate a cozy corner in your home as a reading nook. Make it comfortable with pillows and good lighting. A special space can make reading feel like a treat.

  3. Visit the Library Often: Libraries are treasure troves of stories waiting to be discovered. Regular visits can turn into exciting expeditions, especially when children get to choose their books. Many libraries also offer story hours or reading programs for children.

  4. Incorporate Reading into Daily Routines: Bedtime stories are a cherished tradition in many families. You can also introduce reading into other parts of the day, such as after lunch or during quiet time. Or find a bookclub near you for them to join.

  5. Give Books as Gifts: Present books as gifts for holidays, birthdays, or any occasion. Receiving books as presents can help children associate reading with positive feelings and special moments.

  6. Discuss What You Read: Talk about the books you and your child are reading. Ask questions about the story, the characters, and what they think will happen next. This can enhance comprehension skills and make reading a shared adventure. Plan to watch the movie after if it is a film adaptation of a movie. (Ex. Narnia, Percy Jackson)

  7. Let Them Choose: Children are more likely to enjoy reading when they pick out their own books. Their choices might surprise you, but it's important to support their interests, even if it's the tenth book about dinosaurs or fairies.

  8. Explore Different Genres: Introduce your child to a wide range of book genres, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and graphic novels. A variety can help spark an interest in different subjects and styles.

  9. Use Technology Wisely: E-books and audiobooks are fantastic resources, especially for reluctant readers. They can make reading more engaging and accessible. Just be mindful to balance screen time with traditional reading.

  10. Be Patient and Encouraging: Every child develops at their own pace. Celebrate progress, no matter how small. If your child struggles with reading, be patient and seek out resources that can help, like tutoring or speaking with their teacher.

By integrating these tips into your daily life, you can help your child develop a deep, lasting love for reading. Remember, the goal is to make reading a magical and fun experience, not a chore.

Make Reading a habit in the home by reading around your children! You can start as early as before the baby has arrived.

Let them choose their reading genres and be mindful that could change.

Create a cozy space for them to read comfortably but make it unique to their interests. Ask them to help you create it if they are old enough!

As a Mother of two children who are very strong willed, I know and understand how hard it can be to get them to read or do anything they truly do not want to do. The frustration and the guilt set in and you are left feeling as if you have failed somehow. I assure you that is not the case. We all struggle with encouraging our children to do something they do not want to do. I have homeschooled for over ten years and I have found that finding books for myself was easy but finding books for my children to read and love was difficult. I had to learn their interests and find reads they truly enjoyed. Over time I realized that I too enjoyed a good middle grade fantasy and at times YA was more fun to read than books written for my age. I decided that I wanted to help other Moms who were struggling to find books for their children by providing a space that provides book reviews, indie book reviews, and book recommendations, and tips for the parents who are doing their very best.

Here you will find those magical elements I listed above as well as helpful tips for homeschool parents to encourage reading and self-care.

I will also be providing FREE digital downloads to those who subscribe to my blog that will help your child become the bookworms we hope them to be. (Or at least reading without grumbling from time to time.)

I am excited to take this journey over to my YOUTUBE channel as well by creating a BOOKTUBE with the same elements as well.

There is nothing more exciting than watching your child truly love what they are reading.

To me that is the most magical feeling in the world.

Because when you teach children the joys of reading you are giving them so much more than a story, you are giving them worlds of wander and knowledge.

Magical Reading!

Amanda The Book Witch

Homeschooling Got you Stressed? Me too. But LEarn with me as I share my tips and tricks!

I will provide tips for easing the stress of schedules and activities that seem daunting. I love to create ways to make learning fun and provide resources for those in need. Soon I will provide free DIGITAL PRINTABLES for Homeschool Moms to use to help and provide some fun along the way. Stay tuned! Keep a look out for my newsletter or subscribe to this blog to stay updated.

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